Colonial Home Addition Questions

Addition to existing house

We are contemplating an addition to our existing colonial home in the next 2-3 years. We currently have 4 bedrooms, 2 which are small. We would like to expand the two existing bedrooms by bumping out the house over our existing deck. We would also like to add a bedroom upstairs for all the bedrooms to share. I would like to convert my existing 2nd floor bathroom into my master bath. The existing 2nd floor bathroom and my master bedroom are divided by a wall.

What kind of addition would this be since it would be an expansion of existing space and the addition of new space. We wanted to mostly pay for it cash and wanted a estimate or a ballpark figure. What do you think something like this would cost us?

I understand that an estimate would be impossible without coming out. we just wanted to know how much we should save in the next 2-3 years.

Thank you


Re:Addition to existing house


Bump out colonial home additionI will try to give you the best estimate possible. But I will need some more info.

1) You mentioned going over the existing deck, does this mean this will be an addition on stilts(supporting columns)? No foundation?

2) Any idea on the size of the over all addition? (not including the reconfiguration of the existing floor plan).

3) Can you email me a picture of the existing house. (preferably the side where the addition is going)

4) existing electrical panel (are there some slots available for additional breakers?)

5) what type of heating? forced air, baseboard etc...

6) what state do you live in?

7) Can you send me a rough sketch of the existing floor plan along with the proposed floor plan.

With this info I can give you a relatively accurate estimate, I don't want to give you an estimate with not enough detail because I would hate to be off by 25-50K and you run into a bad situation in 2-3 years when you relaize you hadn't saved enough.

-Simply Additions

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