The Top 10 ways to Burglar Proof your Home

Keeping your home and belongings secure is just as important to your piece of mind as it is to your possessions.

Use these top ten ways to burglar proof your home and you'll be sure to keep you and your family safe from would be thieves and crooks that may be lurking outside of your home.


If you're leaving your home for an extended period of time, make plans to have someone visit your home while you're away. Piles of newspapers, mail or unclaimed packages are all sure signs that no one's home. Use a light timer to turn lights on and off to give the illusion that someone's home.

Secure all Openings

How to burglar proof your homeIt may seem like an obvious part of keeping your home safe, but leaving just one door or window open can be the perfect invitation for would-be burglars. Garage doors, sliding glass doors and cracked windows are exactly where the majority of burglars enter a residence. Always lock doors and windows. Keep the shades drawn to prevent thieves from spying on valuables through the windows.

Extra Locks

Install a deadbolt for exra protectionDeadbolts, chain locks, and pin locks all provide extra security for your doors and windows. Pin locks should be used for sliding glass doors. Sliding bolt locks can help keep flimsy storm doors or shutters tight and locked when not in use.

Spare Key Slips

Everyone needs a spare key to their home in case of emergencies. Most commonly, a hidden key under a rock or door mat is left outside for easy access. This is a big no-no! Always give your key to a trusted neighbor or friend instead of leaving it outside for criminals to easily find.


Install a security fenceOne of the best ways to burglar proof your home is to put up a fence. A fence blocks access to the backyard where criminals commonly break in. Back doors and windows are much tougher to get to when a chain link or wooden fence blocks the path. Since so many varieties and styles of fencing available, it's easy to find a fence that protects your home as well as enhances its curb appeal.

Neighborhood Watch

Whether you join a local chapter or start your own program, a neighborhood watch is the perfect way to help burglar proof your home, as well as your neighbors. When you and your neighbors are keeping your eyes peeled for suspicious activity, the whole neighborhood becomes safer and more secure.

Alarm Systems

Install a home alarm systemFor the ultimate in safety and protection from break-ins and theft, an alarm system is one of the best ways to burglar proof your home. Whether you're working with a home addition or remodeling'or your home is already built, installing an alarm system is a breeze. Even when you're not at home, your alarm system can alert the police when it detects an unauthorized entry.


With the addition of a surveillance system, your alarm system can be the ultimate in burglar proofing for your home. Video cameras, time lapse photos and even night vision cameras are all easily adaptable equipment that can be installed in your home. Some camera systems even link to the internet, allowing you to keep an eye on your home from around the world.


German Shepard gaurd dogA dog is the perfect security system. With hearing and sight that's beyond any humans, they know exactly when someone unwanted is entering your yard.

The majority of burglars do not want to tangle with a dog and the barking helps to alert neighbors that a prowler is on the loose.


When it's dark outside, burglars are in their element. By keeping your yard and home well lit during the night, you remove the dark hiding spots and prevent burglars from lurking in the dark. Motion activated lighting is a great way to keep power consumption down while maintaining burglar proof lightening levels on your property.
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