Home & Garden Articles

Owner of SimplyAdditions.com Voitek Lex Klimczyk

Google loves what I'm doing so much, that they asked me to be in several of their commecials on the Google Adsense YouTube Channel and their Adsense Blog.

I'm serious!

click the links above


My name is Voitek, but you can call me by my middle name "Lex", like Superman's friend (until season 3) on Smallville . My superpower is taking complex jobs and making them simple to do! That's why I go by ProvenHelper on social media.


I retired from being a General Contractor in 2010, and decided to focus on what I have always done best: creating How-to Guides which I began doing on here and My Youtube Channel. I've been creating tutorials for over 23 years, and I got so good at it, that the Better Business Bureau awarded me for Excellence in Consumer Education. Several of the articles below are the reasons why. 


There's a lot of remodeling advice on the internet, but unfortunetly a lot of it is written by people who know websites, but don't actually know the facts about real world construction. I wouldn't get my legal advice from my plumber, so why get your remodeling advice from a blogger? A blogger wouldn't really know what took me years of building additions to figure out.


The Good News is that you now have a general contractor buddy you can count on for all of your home improvement needsBelow you will find links to only 5% of the content you can find on SimplyAdditions.com today. (Want to be my buddy for real? look for me on social media using the links above.)


Now let me tell you why it's such a good idea to talk with and get your remodeling advice from a real general contractor who happens to be posting money saving trade secrets every week on the internet, since he decided to pursue his dream career in 2010! 


What Do My General Contractor Secrets Actually Reveal?

1. How To Save Cold Hard Cash: It's simple really, my advice allows you to neogiate terms with the contractors bidding on your project. 99% of homeowners have no idea that they can do this. The people who figured it out, are flipping houses on TV! 


2. How to Actually Hire The Right Contractor:I reveal my hiring and managing advice for subcontractors (Just think how much you could save on your project if you had a General Contractor friend), because most people have no idea how much leverage they have BEFORE they sign on the dotted line.


3. PROTECTION: I spent years and hundreds of thousands in making an honest name for myself in CT and along the way I learned how to protect myself from subcontractors because as a GC I had to hire, fire, and manage over 100 different people during my stint in home addition building. 


4. You can find everything you need on this site to make your project On Budget, On Time, and With Minimal Stress. You can use the search engine at the top of the page, and if all else fails, contact me through social media 'ProvenHelper'.   


Here's a Quick Link to my How-to Hire Home Improvement Contractors Section (under How-to Articles in the main menu). 



Home & Garden Articles: These have not yet been categorized:

Display # 
# Title Author Hits
51 Do-it-yourself Roofing Tips Written by Voitek Klimczyk 7248
52 The Right Home insurance Written by Voitek Klimczyk 3801
53 Buildings insurance Written by Voitek Klimczyk 5581
54 DIY Guide to Installing Tile Written by Voitek Klimczyk 6511
55 Home Improvement Loans and Tips to Getting Them Written by Voitek Klimczyk 9126
56 How to get Zoning Variances Approved? Written by Voitek Klimczyk 23980
57 Home Improvement Glossary of Terms Written by Voitek Klimczyk 6874
58 Winterizing Home Windows vs Replacement Windows Written by Voitek Klimczyk 4837
59 Transforming a House Into A Masterpiece Written by Voitek Klimczyk 6491
60 Home Renovations That Pay For Themselves! Written by Voitek Klimczyk 18046
61 Recoup Remodeling Costs Written by Voitek Klimczyk 9299

Page 2 of 2


  • Lawn & Garden

    In this section you'll find articles and videos that will help you create the perfect lawn as well as grow the perfect garden. Since we bought our first home with a decent yard, we've been doing tons of research and I can't wait to share what we learned so far.


    Think of this section as a what would really happen if you follow what the professionals recommend to do with their lush lawns or gardens of organic abundance. Will it work? What really happened? And what should a first timer try will all be covered in this section. Enjoy and join the community on my Facebook page & YouTube Channel.


    Perfect Lawn Wishes and Organic Garden Delight Dreams,

    Voitek Lex Klimczyk aka SelfMade Life How-to's and Reviews


    Just Updated

    Top 10 Self Propelled Lawn Mowers

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