Professional Guidance for your Kitchen Remodel
Whether you have a brand new home or a great candidate for a kitchen remodel, you came to the right place. I worked as a general contractor in Connecticut for many years, transforming starter homes into dream homes. Now I help homeowners all over the world by giving them access to plans, project costs, and contractor management guides. You could learn this site and become a general contractor, but for now, simply use the site to make your kitchen remodel as easy as it would be for me.
Kitchen Ideas
Take advantage of my General Contracting Experience to come up with your own Kitchen Ideas, by browsing my digital collection of Kitchen Extension Plans and my favorite Kitchen Remodeling Articles.
Why Should You Do Your Kitchen Renovation Research Here?
I thought you would never ask. Well as an award winning general contractor, I helped many homeowners not only build their projects, but also research their projects through SimplyAdditions.com. How's that? Well, it's simple really. I had customers constantly ask me the same old questions, such as:
1. How much does the kitchen remodel cost?
2. How long will the project take?
3. What's included in the building cost?
To save time for myself and them, I built a website around every question I ever got asked by a potential customer. People love the site because it allows them to research details such as building costs, project scope, and how to hire and manage contractors just like a GC would.
About Your Questions
If you have a question for me, simply ask it on my Google Plus Page or just type it into the comments below. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Kitchen Extension Plans
Here are two ktichen extension plans that will give you a general idea of how much it costs to expand your kitchen, and remember that you can always browse my other home additions to assess your project further. After you browse the plans, check out some of these great Kitchen Renovation Articles; I recommend reading about the Top 5 Granite Countertop Choices, because granite countertops are highly desirable and they bring a good return on your investment..
I'm Done Researching Costs, Now What?
Now you need to get your self a list of contractors to contact. Remember that getting a list of contractors is the easy part, but you are going to have to do some due diligence work to dummy proof your hiring decision and to learn what questions to ask each contractor, how to prepare for estimate appointments and what you can ask the contractor to include in the building contract, so that you will be protected in the event that Mr. or Mrs. Wonderful decides to ignore their original promises to you.
Fill out this form and get a good list of contractors, but NEVER trust any contractor list alone. You have to go the extra mile if you want to do it right and read my How to Hire a Contractor Articles. Good Luck!